Sunday, September 13, 2009

Champorado and dried fish for snacks

We eat this for breakfast or snacks. Some people prefer to combine the champorado (chocolate porridge) with some other salty accompaniment.

I showed this photo to a French Canadian friend, and for all their exotic and yucky Frenchy delicacies (frogs' legs, snails, etc), she went yech!! with this one. She said, she can eat the chocolate porridge but with more cream and butter, and she can probably eat the dried fish, but the combination of the sweet porridge and the salty dried fish was totally alien and disgusting to her. Hahaha, ok. What do you think?


Layrayski said...

That's a popular combination but I still want my champorado with hotdogs hehehe

nino said...


Hilda said...

It's not a combination I grew up with so I'm not crazy about it. I'd rather have my tuyo with scrambled eggs, fresh tomatoes and garlic fried rice! Yummy! I can skip the champorado ;)

Lois said...

I don't know, but I would be willing to try it!

Tara said...

I miss the barol...(*drooling)