Friday, April 10, 2009

Lent moments

Penitents (tais-dupol).
The penitents' costumes were fashioned after the ones in Seville, Spain. Which incidentally, the KKK also fashioned their costume from. The penitents and the KKK both hide their faces from the public: the penitents so they can pray and sacrifice in anonymity (they walk around barefooted on the hot concrete collecting money for the Church), and the KKKs for their own obvious reasons.

Penitents guarding the 'Calvary Hill'.

Shepherd boys

Fall of Jesus.

The crucifixion
Btw, the 'Jesus' nailed on the cross is not a real person. We don't do that here in the Visayas. A Jesus statue is switched at the last minute under the structure.


Lois said...

The costumes are so interesting! Nice pictures!

TeamSplashi said...

Interesting photos.

Lowell said...

My goodness. Such drama. Nice shots!

Hilda said...

I am sooooo glad your last photo was taken from afar!

Can you suggest that the penitents change that hood please? They look like funky members of the Ku Klux Klan!

B SQUARED said...

Interesting how different cultures celebrate Easter. Each one is somewhat unique.

Unknown said...

This year was the first time I missed Holy Week at my hometown. I haven't seen any of my friends post pictures of it yet. I'm so happy to see snapshots of Holy Week 2009. Thanks.