(Photo by JT)
This woman is smoothing the banga (jar) with a wet cloth. This jar will be dried, then baked.

Here are the finished ones being dried outside.
Ps. while there, they weren't baking anything in the oven, so I have no photos of those. The oven is a simple hole in the ground (like the ones we have in our backyards for composting). I will have to go there another day to take photos. The sculpting.. hm, no photos either. If you're curious about the cord like design, you just roll a long clay then kind of tie it like a rope-design. Then use use a stick to make the lines. Same thing with the grapes. Like we do with play-doh.. Except here, it's always 'polished' with a wet cloth afterwards to smoothen the clay.
I enjoyed your post on the pottery series. Very informative. Are you going to post a photo on the oven (?)they're using to bake these pots? =)
Ako din may request: yung pag-sculpt nung decorations after the main jar has been shaped. :)
Like everyone else I am enjoying this set. And we also get to see the very artists who create such wonderful pottery. The kids may not be aware right now how important they are to enriching Philippine Arts and preserving a cultural tradition. Someday, hopefully they get better recognition and produce a new breed of world class artists.
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