The badminton craze, it's a nation by itself. I could never really understand games where you've to run after a ball (or in this case, a shuttlecock) then hit it. But then, I'm not the violent type. See, there must be something to the feather design. My friend says that in French the shuttlecock is called a 'moineau' which means a house sparrow. Makes me wonder badminton's origin and its players.
Ok, no more wondering.. "Badminton originated in China some 50 years before the birth of Christ. Modern day Badminton originated at a party in India. A few of the guests, soldiers, and statesmen fastened feathers onto a champagne cork, and used the bottles as bats, and thus instituted a game which they called "Poona". This game received immediate popularity and was taken to England by English army officers stationed in India in 1873. The name of "Badminton" came from the village of Badminton, the residence of a Duke who was an enthusiast of the sport." (lost the url). But here's a more
detailed history of the game. So no, they didn't really hit small birds with a racket.